Thursday, August 03, 2006

today i duno whats wrong with amanda. she didnt even talk to me?! like i ask her question must ask her 2-3 times then will answer one. its like wth la. gah. one moment treat me so nice, another moment treat me like shit?! like wth. ah! not gonna care. lols

wheee~ going out tomorrow. with duno who also. should be me, alcinda, yunhui &friends, jun& friends, liyan. wengyew they all tomorrow then say. but i dun think they will be going loh. their minds only got lan. tomorrow asking kylie & gang to come along. but duno they will come anot. watching click :D but i wanna watch tokyo drift ): but alcinda promised me national day watch toyko drift. WHIPEEE. i think if we watching click then junming they all wont come with us already. but i wanna see sarah kwan. see how she acts :/

msn cannot sign in. got trouble with proxy settings. and web messenger they keep saying password wrong. i try every single account. even other people account -.- cant be all change password right. my one also. even tried around with the password. stupid. cannot sign in. wth lah!

okay okay okay. lalala. people people people. hello hello hello. im im im. gonna gonna gonna. talk talk talk. in in in . three three three. words words words. i i i. feel feel feel. so so so. lame lame lame. im im im. just just just. so so so. bored bored bored. heheh heheh heheh.

{i never knew she could dance like this. she makes a man wanna speak spanish~}
im in love with hips don't lie. i duno why. the song just rocks to the core. whipee! :D hahah.


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